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95% of dogs don’t come back to their humans on command. The remaining 5% have wandered too far away to hear the command. Okay, I just made that up. But I’m sure you relate to it!! And if you don’t, as a dog trainer, I’m PROUD of you!

To understand how to train a dog to come when called, let’s first hear what Bozo has to say to his hoomans. He speaks Dog so you might wanna hear!

Dear hooman who keeps calling my name,

You screaming out my name is not gonna make me come (Btw, that’s what she said 😉 ).

Which puppy in his right mind is gonna give up chasing Mr squirrel and run back to the hooman, especially when we know the inevitable end – the hooman always makes the fun stop! The 1 st time I came running to you when you called my name, you gave me a treat.. That was so much fun. But the second time I came to you, you said Good Boy and walked away. Hello… I know I’m a good boy. Everyone knows that! Third time around, you called me and snatched the shoe away from my mouth.

And the last time you called me and I came to you, you took me to the scary water
room and washed all the mud off of me… I mean… EW! Wait.. Did I just hear my name? That’s my cue to run. Later peeps!

Lots of love,

how-to-teach-a-dog-to-come-when-called how-to-teach-a-dog-to-come-when-called

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2 years ago

I have often wondered what dogs be thinking when we tell them what to do. Does their mind just sit still while they stare at us and tilt their head to the side? LOL. Thanks for a little insight Bozo 🙂