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If you’ve ever whispered (or screamed) “My reactive dog is ruining my life”, welcome—you’re in a safe space. Here, we don’t judge. We just get it. The exhaustion, the frustration, the Olympic-level leash handling, the soul-crushing embarrassment when your dog erupts at a leaf blowing the wrong way. It’s not easy waking up every day already dreading the walks, the triggers, the side-eye from strangers.

But here’s the thing—you’re still here. You’re reading, learning, watching videos, showing up for your dog. That’s not failure—that’s resilience. That’s love. And even if it doesn’t feel like it, that’s enough. You and your dog? You’re going to get through this—one trigger, one step, one deep breath at a time.


My reactive dog is ruining my life


Is it my fault my dog is reactive?

In one word – NO! It’s not necessarily your fault!

I have friends who are professional dog trainers whose dogs have grown up to be reactive and trust me, they’re amazing trainers! Dog reactivity can be attributed to a multitude of factors – negative experiences with other dogs, negative experiences with specific stimuli such as moving vehicles, people on skateboards, and so on, genetics, natural responses, overstimulation, etc. The quality of training imparted to the dog can be a substantial factor, but not the only one.

Furthermore, our definition of a “negative” experience may be very different from our dogs. I once worked with a German Shepherd adult who is terrified of small dogs because a couple of Chihuahuas once barked in his face. That one experience was enough to change his perception of small dogs for good! Unfortunately, pet parents may have very limited control over such experiences as most times, these scenarios are unpredictable.


Living with a Reactive Dog: The Hidden Emotional Toll No One Talks About

The emotions of a reactive dog and their pet parent are a world only they can navigate. At times, you might even find yourself thinking, “My reactive dog is making me depressed.” And frankly, it’s exhausting to manage a dog who seems to lose all sense of control at the mere sight of another dog or the sound of a doorbell.

It is easy to feel like you’re not doing enough for your dog, especially when you see them go into full meltdown mode at the sight of a small, harmless puppy across the road. But the truth is, you are showing up for your dog every single day, despite the challenges. That alone makes you an incredible pet parent.

Reactivity, without a doubt, takes a toll on your mental health. But caring for yourself—mentally, physically, and emotionally—isn’t just important; it’s necessary. Focus on keeping your cup full before you even think about pouring into your dog’s cup. Your reactive dog is going to need you to be at your strongest.

Don’t be afraid to take a break as and when necessary, even if it means without your dog. It doesn’t make you selfish. It makes you human.  

My reactive dog is ruining my life




Root cause

Getting to the root cause of your dog’s reactivity is the first and most crucial step in designing a training plan. If you deploy a reactivity training plan meant for overexcited dogs on a dog whose reactivity is rooted in fear, you’re starting off on the wrong foot. It may take some time and a keen sense of observation to figure out the root cause.

Hint– It is usually hidden in the few seconds that precedes your dog’s reaction towards a stimulus. Your dog’s body language at the sight of their trigger is a dead giveaway of whether the reactivity stems from over-excitement, frustration or fear.

Your dog’s body language at the sight of their trigger is a dead giveaway of whether the reactivity stems from over-excitement, frustration or fear.

Watch like a Hawk

Your dog’s body language will tell you everything you need to know. Take a few days to just observe your dog. Not just when they’re being or about to be reactive – ALL THE TIME. Right from the moment they wake up – what do they like to do? Their body language in general at home vs outside. How do they react to different sounds, sights, smells? How do they play? What do they like to play with? How does their body language get around meal times? How are they when they are aroused? What calms them down? Every. Little. Thing.

Take notes if necessary. This information will give you deep insights into your dog and help you come up with a training plan that would actually work on your dog.

Recognizing your reactive dog’s threshold

A dog’s reactivity threshold is the point where a trigger (like another dog, person, or object) causes them to react with an exaggerated or unwanted response, like barking, lunging, or pulling on the leash.

When a dog is Under Threshold, they’re able to control their behaviors and be aware of their surroundings. At this stage, they may seem a little aroused, nervous, or on edge, but are still in a manageable stage. Here are signs that your dog is under threshold –

  • Relaxed body language
  • Soft eyes
  • Neutral or soft wagging tail at the level of their body
  • Mouth slightly open or closed
  • Ears relaxed
  • Able to focus on you
  • Mild curiosity
  • Able to disengage
  • Normal breathing
  • No excessive adrenaline

When they’re Over Threshold, though, they’re reacting from fear or a predatory instinct. A dog over threshold is at a heightened state of anxiety that affects their ability to think clearly. Here are some key body language signs

  • Tense or stiff body
  • Hard stare, darting nervously or whale eyes
  • Tail high and stiff
  • Tucked tail
  • Pinned-back or pricked-forward ears
  • Mouth tightly closed or excessive panting
  • Lunging, barking or growling
  • Fixated
  • Frantic movement
  • Refusing treats and ignoring cues
  • Trying to escape
  • Shaking/ trembling

In the presence of a trigger in a situation, your goal is to keep your dog UNDER THRESHOLD. If your dog has already reached over threshold, help them decompress.

Designing a training plan

Designing a good training plan for your reactive dog is like building a bridge over a raging river. If you try to rush across without a solid foundation, you’ll end up swept away in chaos. Take the time to lay each plank carefully. In other words, train at your dog’s pace, reinforce desirable behaviors, and progress at a gradual rate. This ensures that you are creating a stable, reliable path to the other side.


A little professional help can go a long way!

Reactivity isn’t just about barking or lunging—it’s a complex web of tiny, easily missed body language cues. Did you know that something as subtle as a lip lick, a flick of an ear, or even a head turn can signal stress before an explosion happens? Recognizing these signs early can be the key to preventing a full-blown reaction, but let’s be honest—it takes skill to spot them.

That’s where professional guidance makes all the difference! Working with a trainer long-term can get expensive, and not everyone has the time or resources for weekly sessions. In such cases, turning to a structured online course is the next best thing.

The Spirit Dog Training Tackling Reactivity Bundle by Steffi Trott is packed with step-by-step strategies to help you navigate reactivity with confidence. Plus, it includes 8 trainer feedbacks—so you’re not going at this alone! If you’re feeling lost, this course is exactly what you need to get started on the right foot.

As a professional trainer with a strong work ethic, I hold other trainers—and their methods—to incredibly high standards. If a technique is even slightly detrimental to a dog’s well-being, I won’t stand behind it. That’s why before recommending Steffi’s course, I personally purchased it and thoroughly reviewed every lesson. I needed to be sure it aligns with ethical, effective training practices—and I can confidently say it does.

My reactive dog is ruining my life



Setting expectations

This is the trickiest part. In my training sessions, this stage is where the major chunk of disconnection happens; disconnection between the pet parent and their dog. People often give up too early because they had unrealistic expectations to begin with. They start with the hope that their dog will become completely “normal”—walking past other dogs with ease, greeting guests politely, or remaining unfazed by triggers. This especially happens a lot when you hire a trainer, because you’re shelling out a lot of money and want to see results quickly.

In an ideal world, a trainer would be able to give you a transformed dog in 6-8 sessions. That is exactly what an aversive, prong-collar using, shock-giving trainer might promise too. But reactivity is way too complex to be solved in a matter of a few sessions.

Dog reactivity training is a work in progress for months to come and here’s what you can expect –

  • Progress is not linear
  • Your dog may never be a social butterfly—and that’s okay
  • Management is just as important as training
  • Threshold matters more than exposure
  • Your mindset matters the most

On that note, read why you’d never find a dog trainer’s dog at a dog park!

Following through on the training plan

Following through on your reactive dog’s training plan is no easy feat—it’s going to take time, patience, and an immense amount of dedication. This is the painful middle phase of the journey, but also an adventure of a lifetime. The efforts may feel overwhelming, but trust me, the rewards are worth it! Take it step by step, one day at a time, one trigger at a time; always keeping the goal in mind: UNDER THRESHOLD.

Progress won’t always be linear—some days may feel like setbacks. Your dog certainly won’t suddenly be friendly to everyone. But you will see change. You might wake up to a dog who recovers from their fixation a little quicker than yesterday—that’s progress, and it’s worth celebrating! Keep your eyes on those small victories; they’re the building blocks to lasting transformation.

Take it step by step, one day at a time, one trigger at a time; always keeping the goal in mind: UNDER THRESHOLD.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but BE afraid to repeat them

Training a reactive dog is not like training them to weave through poles that it can be done in a few fixed steps. It is complex and requires a high level of patience, know-how and handling abilities, especially in bigger dogs. Mistakes are bound to happen and they mean you’re showing up for your dog.

Dog reactivity is a sensitive issue; both the dog and the pet parent are navigating intense emotions, and mistakes are forgivable, even encouraged to some extent. However, once you recognize that a certain technique isn’t working or is making things worse, pivot quickly.

Every experience your dog has shapes their behavior and can either bring them closer to progress or push them further from it. The key is to learn, adapt, and do better next time for the sake of your dog’s well-being and your own sanity.

My reactive dog is ruining my life



Can reactive dogs get better?

There is no prescribed cure for dog reactivity. Improvement can be messy and can be found in the tiniest, most unexpected ways. Let’s say your dog usually lunges and barks uncontrollably at the sight of another dog on a walk. In the past, as soon as a dog appeared in the distance, your pup would go from zero to a hundred, completely fixated and unable to focus on you.

After weeks of training—keeping them under threshold and reinforcing calm behavior, you notice something different. One day, your dog sees another dog but doesn’t immediately react. They look, tense up for a second, but then flick their ears back to you. Maybe they take a treat, or they simply hesitate for a moment before reacting.

That pause, that tiny moment of hesitation, is a breakthrough. It means your dog is learning to process the trigger rather than reacting purely on instinct. That, my friend, is called “getting better.”

When Is It Time to Rehome Your Dog? Signs, Realities, and Tough Decisions

Rehoming a dog is one of the hardest decisions a pet parent can face. However, sometimes, despite your best intentions, it’s just not the right fit. A severely reactive (“red zone”) dog requires specialized training, patience, and a significant time commitment—something that may not be realistic for an average pet parent juggling work, family, and daily responsibilities. In a home with children, a dangerously reactive dog isn’t just a challenge; it’s a serious safety risk.

There comes a point where a choice has to be made—not out of failure, but out of responsibility. Your family deserves safety, and your dog deserves an environment where they can truly thrive with someone equipped to meet their needs. If you see your dog regressing despite your efforts, don’t wait until they have no hope—delaying the decision can make things worse for both your dog and those around them.

Your family deserves safety, and your dog deserves an environment where they can truly thrive with someone equipped to meet their needs.

Rehoming is not an easy way out; it’s an act of recognizing reality and doing what’s best for everyone involved. The right home—one with the skills, experience, and time—can offer your dog a better future. Making this decision early, before things spiral out of control, is an act of love, not abandonment.

The learning never really stops

Instead of looking at dog reactivity as something that can be fixed, look at it as a behavior that must be Managed long-term. While training your reactive dog, you may have learned some serious dog training and handling skills. These skills just keep honing and improving over time as you practice.

The more you dig, the more you learn. Look out for new ways to stimulate your reactive dog, calming activities, games that fulfil breed instincts, new ways to desensitize and neutralize your dog’s responses to triggers and so on. The beauty of training a dog is that once you start liking the process, you’ll find yourself learning something new each and every day.


Your reactive dog deserves these 2 things –

1. The freedom to choose

One of the biggest mistakes we make in reactive dog training is trying to micromanage the situation, including the dog’s natural responses. Reactivity emerges from a strong sense of feeling trapped. If you have found yourself constantly tightening your dog’s leash, desperately trying to get them to focus when they’re just not in the zone, insisting on them being “friendly” with other dogs, you may be guilty of micromanagement.

Sometimes, they just need to be. Allow them to back off and get some space as and when they need it. If they’d rather continue sniffing the ground than look up at you, it’s fine! Sniffing helps them decompress in a way that looking at you won’t. If they don’t want to be friends with other dogs and people, let them have their way. Some dogs are pickier than others in terms of who they wish to hang out with, and that’s okay!

My reactive dog is ruining my life

2. A chance to thrive

One of the saddest things to do to a dog is deprive them of a full life to save yourself of embarrassment. Every dog, including (and especially) reactive ones, need a healthy balance of physical and mental stimulation. Running in a crowded park may not be the best option, but may be once in a while, take them to a gated, open field early in the morning and let them run their heart out!

One of the saddest things to do to a dog is deprive them of a full life to save yourself of embarrassment.

Swimming in a lake on a Saturday afternoon on a warm summer day may not be up their alley, but try doing the same on one of the weekdays at dawn. If you have a backyard, build a DIY agility course for them. Learn more about their breed and find activities that fulfill the breed’s instincts.

Go for games and activities that are in line with your training goals. For instance, if you’re training an overstimulated dog to calm down, tug of war is the last game you should play with them.

A dog that is mentally and physically fulfilled is a delight to live with.


The Challenges Ahead – and How to Overcome Them with Confidence

Being ‘embarrassed’ time and again

How to deal with it You’d be surprised how many clients of mine tell me, “I hate walking my reactive dog because of the embarrassment he causes me!” The easiest thing for most people to do when they see a pet parent walking with an utterly unhinged dog is to Judge! That’s how humans are wired. Here’s something to remember – The judgement you’re so afraid of is going to live in those people’s minds for just a few seconds. They’re not going to go home and keep thinking about it.

But you know what’s even more difficult? Denying your dog the life they deserve out of fear of judgment. The day you move past other people’s opinions, you free yourself to focus on what truly matters—understanding your dog, meeting their needs, and strengthening your bond.

Outdoor quality time is going to be tricky

How to deal with it – Walks in your neighborhood are not the only place and time to spend quality time with your dog. Find something your dog would gladly invest themselves in. Nose-work, swimming, agility, scent detection, etc. are few of the several activities many dogs thoroughly enjoy.

Find something your dog would gladly invest themselves in.

Research your dog’s breed and find out what games would fulfill their instincts.  For instance, German Shepherds would be great at scent-detection. Border Collies would kill it at TreibBall. Huskies would enjoy running to no ends or pulling sled-like things from one spot to the other. Beagles are known to be amazing at agility training as well as nose-work. Labs are all-day-long water babies. Find that sweet spot and run with it!

My reactive dog is ruining my life

Some behaviors are difficult to predict and train

How to deal with it-  One of the toughest things about living with and training a reactive dog is the unpredictable nature of the behavior. You might be enjoying a serene walk at 8am in the morning on a warm sunny day and the next second, without warning your dog would be going off the rails.

During such times, every tip, and every piece of advice you’ve received on tackling reactivity goes out the window. All you want to do is grab your dog and get the F*** out of there! And sometimes, that’s all you should do. Other times, when you can think straight, grab that leash, and train your dog!

To anticipate and manage your reactive dog’s behaviors, having the right guidance is crucial. The Spirit Dog Training Tackling Reactivity Bundle is a fantastic starting point to help you understand your dog’s reactivity and the behaviors surrounding it.

With modules like “Attention Booster Mini Course”, “Hyperactivity Helper” and “How to manage your reactive dog in your daily life” and 6 other power-packed modules, this course provides structured, expert-backed strategies to help you navigate training with confidence. If you’re feeling lost or unsure where to begin, this could be the game-changer you and your dog need!

The Best part, all you need is 10 minutes a day and $49 to grab this Magnum Opus of a Course!


3 Key Actions to Become Your Dog’s Strongest Advocate and Most Loyal Ally

1. Take a stand when necessary

Advocating for your reactive dog is not just important—it’s necessary. You are their voice, their protector, and their guide in a world that doesn’t always understand them. It’s okay to say “No” when someone asks if their dog can say hi. It’s okay to firmly tell off an owner who lets their off-leash dog rush yours. It’s okay to set boundaries with guests and ask them to ignore your dog or wait while you help your pup feel safe. Taking a stand isn’t rude—it’s responsible. Your dog’s progress, comfort, and safety come first, always.

2. Understand where your dog is REALLY coming from

A reactive dog is not giving you a hard time—they’re having a hard time. Their reactivity isn’t about defiance or stubbornness; it’s a response that is generally deep rooted in fear, frustration, overstimulation, or even underlying health issues. They are not acting out to make your life difficult; they are struggling to cope with their emotions in a world that often feels overwhelming to them.

When you shift your perspective and truly understand where your dog is coming from, you become a better advocate. You stop seeing their reactions as a problem to fix and start recognizing them as a dog in distress who needs support. That’s when real progress begins.

3. Be your dog’s biggest cheerleader

Being your dog’s biggest cheerleader doesn’t just mean giving them treats when they comply. It means recognizing and reinforcing every tiny good behavior they demonstrate. It means celebrating every small win.

It also means immediately removing them from a situation that feels threatening to them. Your goal isn’t just to manage their reactivity; it’s to build a bond so strong that when they see a trigger, their first instinct isn’t panic or aggression—it’s to turn to you. Not out of fear, but because they trust that you’ve got their back.

You are their safe place—make sure they know it.


Trust me, It’s going to be okay!

At the heart of it all, every individual—human or dog—has an innate need to be seen and heard. You stumbled across this article because, deep down, you needed to feel validated in your struggles. Your reactive dog is searching for the same from you. Their outbursts, their meltdowns, their struggles—they’re not meant to ruin your life. They’re their way of saying, “I’m overwhelmed, please help me.”

And that’s where you come in. Not as their owner, but as their anchor. Their safe space. Their advocate. Reactivity can feel isolating, exhausting, even heartbreaking at times. But the more you lean into understanding, the more you’ll see—your dog isn’t here to break you. They’re here, unknowingly, teaching you patience, empathy, and what it truly means to love unconditionally. And that? That’s worth every challenge.

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